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Fundamentals of Simulation Governance

Fundamentals of Simulation Governance

Fundamentals of Simulation Governance

This course covers the fundamentals of Simulation Governance from both the technical and managerial points of view and features an outlined roadmap for upper management. The objective is to provide a clear understanding of what simulation of physical systems means across the board.

Existing misconceptions, sub-standard practices and their implications for corporate governance are addressed. The key concepts are explained with reference to mechanical and structural systems. A historical overview of numerical simulation technology is presented, and the reasons for the existence of a wide gap between what should be practiced versus what is being practiced are explained.


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Course Outline

1. Introduction

10 minutes

2. Basic Concepts and Terminology

30 minutes

3. What must management know about simulation governance?

20 minutes

4. FEM vs. Numerical Simulation

40 minutes

5. Setting Goals

10 minutes

6. Read Further



7. Outlook



Course length

app. 2 hours


Course Authors

Dr. Barna Szabó

Dr. Szabó is Co-Founder and Chairman of Engineering Software Research and Development, Inc. a company whose mission is to create and market software tools for the advancement of the quality, reliability and timeliness of information that serves engineering decision-making processes.

Dr. Szabó was a full-time member of the faculty of the School of Applied Science and Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis from 1968 until his retirement as the Albert P. and Blanche Y. Greensfelder Professor of Mechanics. His areas of expertise include mathematical modeling techniques, error estimation, and quality control procedures in finite element analysis, methods for controlling modeling errors in engineering computations and assurance of the reliability of engineering decisions based on computed information.

Dr. Szabó is the principal author of two textbooks on finite element analysis (John Wiley & Sons, 1991 and 2011) and has published over two hundred technical papers, mostly on the finite element method. Dr. Szabó is an external member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the St. Louis Academy of Sciences, holds an honorary doctorate and is a founding member and fellow of the US Association for Computational Mechanics. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Missouri.

Dr. Ricardo Actis

Dr. Actis is the President and CEO of Engineering Software Research and Development, Inc. Prior to his appointment as President and CEO in 2016 Dr. Actis was responsible for the implementation of advanced FEA procedures in the commercial finite element analysis software product StressCheck®, including material and geometric nonlinearities, thin solids formulation, plates and shells, multi-body contact, composite material analysis techniques, and extraction of fracture mechanics parameters for metallic and composite structures. Dr. Actis also holds an academic appointment as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences of the School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis where he has been teaching strength of materials, aircraft structures, and numerical simulation.


Analysis Management, Business Benefits / Market Analysis / Future Trends, Simulation Governance, Systems Engineering, Quality Assurance, Verification & Validation, Simulation Maturity, Digital Engineering, Digital Twin, CAE in the Design Process, Data Management, Collaboration, Managing Input Data, Traceability, Finite Element Analysis, Structural, Engineering Fundamentals, Failure