Duration: | 1 day |
Delivery: | E-learning Onsite Classroom |
Language: | English |
Level: | Introductory |
Availability: | Worldwide |
Tutor(s): | Kamran Fouladi |
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Get the practical CFD knowledge you need for using the technology effectively.
This course offers attendees the fundamental knowledge for using CFD in real life engineering applications. Through a simple and moderately technical approach, this course describes the steps in the CFD process and provides benefits and issues for using CFD analysis in understanding of complicated flow phenomena and its use in the design process.
Best practices for reducing errors and uncertainties in CFD analysis are also presented. Many of the governing equations will be presented for illustration purposes but will not be dealt in depth in this course.
You'll learn the basics of CFD, look at finite difference vs. finite volume vs. finite elements, pressure vs. density-based solvers; implicit vs. explicit, get to grips with turbulence and heat transfer modelling, and get insight into the various errors and uncertainties and how to reduce them
Engineers who are new to CFD simulation, who need a refresher on CFD, and managers working with CFD simulation engineers
Get in touch to discuss your next steps with our experienced training team. We can work closely with you to understand your specific requirements, cater for your specific industry sector or analysis type, and produce a truly personalised training solution for your organisation.
All NAFEMS training courses are entirely code independent, meaning they are suitable for users of any software package.
Courses are available to both members and non-members of NAFEMS, although member organisations will enjoy a significant discount on all fees.
NAFEMS course tutors enjoy a world-class reputation in the engineering analysis community, and with decades of experience between them, will deliver tangible benefits to you, your analysis team, and your wider organisation.
ID | Competence Statement |
CFDco5 | Review the terms in the differential form of the governing equations for fluid flow and explain their physical significance. |
CFDkn2 | State the Navier-Stokes equations. |
CFDkn4 | List typical boundary conditions for incompressible and compressible flow boundaries. |
CFDkn5 | State the principles of best practice in CFD. |
CFDkn7 | List the main sources of error and uncertainty that may occur in a CFD calculation. |
CFDkn8 | List and define the key terminology used in CFD applications. |
CFDkn9 | Identify sources of archived experimental data for CFD validation. |
CFDkn9 | List and define the range of common numerical grids found in CFD modelling. |
CFDco2 | Compare and contrast the finite difference , finite volume and finite element discretisation methods. |
CFDco9 | Explain the basis of common solution algorithms in steady flows. |
CFDco11 | Discuss the issues and conditions of numerical stability in the numerical solution of unsteady flow problems. |
CFDco12 | Review the issues associated with the estimation of total uncertainty in a flow simulation. |
CFDco13 | Review the range of idealisations that are required in applying CFD methods. |
CFDco14 | Review the pros and cons of gridding approaches commonly applied in CFD methods. |
CFDap1 | Demonstrate the ability to examine a range of flow phenomenon and employ appropriate fluid modelling approaches. |
CFDap3 | Demonstrate the ability to apply boundary conditions correctly for external and internal incompressible flow problems. |
CFDap4 | Demonstrate the ability to select appropriate numerical grids for incompressible and compressible flow problems in complex geometries. |
CFDap6 | Use best practice CFD methods to determine the steady state pressure and velocity distribution for incompressible laminar and turbulent internal flows using RANS approaches. |
CFDap7 | Employ best practice guidelines for the validation of a CFD model. |
CFDap8 | Demonstrate the ability to prepare a comprehensive report on a CFD analysis. |
CFDsy1 | Formulate an analysis strategy identifying, geometry simplifications, physical modelling assumptions, boundary conditions, material properties for laminar and turbulent flow problems. |
CFDsy3 | Formulate a plan to address the uncertainty in input data or modelling when using a CFD code for a design study. |
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