Duration: | 3 days |
Delivery: | Onsite Classroom Public Classroom |
Language: | English |
Level: | Introductory |
Availability: | Worldwide |
Tutor(s): | Tony Abbey Shakeel Chaudry Gino Duffett |
Request Full Details |
Ensure your organization is getting maximum benefit from using FEA.
FEA is a powerful technique, able to produce solutions to challenging structural analysis problems. The technology and computational efficiency of the method, together with the rapid increases in computer processing power means that today the scope and size of simulations far exceeds the capabilities of even a few years ago.
However for those engineers embarking on FEA, or companies adopting the technique to improve designs or achieve certification of new products, there is a steep learning curve to overcome.
There are a bewildering array of element types, solution types, meshing methods and pre-post processing options that have to be faced. This is before we get down to the engineering physics behind the problem, with associated classic traps and errors. What is needed is guidance via a thorough but practical assessment of the method and how to use it in the real world.
Students are shown the background to the FEA methodology, via simple real examples with a minimum of theory. The strength and weaknesses of the various FEA techniques are shown and discussed. Practical considerations of loadings, boundary conditions and structural details are shown by numerous examples.
The assessment, validation and interpretation of FEA results are vital for delivering safe, effective products. A process is shown which provides confidence in the results and aims to provide conservative, reliable and qualified results. The attendees join in the activity of building this process themselves and come away with an embryo Procedural Check List
The course offers excellent guidance on how to assess and plan the task of carrying out a structural analysis using FEA. A clear understanding of the objectives of each analysis is vital and a road map for achieving this is presented. A review of the tradeoff between available resource and analysis methodology is given.
Practicing engineers who wish to learn more about how to apply finite element techniques to their particular problems in the most effective manner.
Companies moving into FEA technology to improve product designs or assess prototype failures or speed the design process will benefit from sending key engineers to this course.
Get in touch to discuss your next steps with our experienced training team. We can work closely with you to understand your specific requirements, cater for your specific industry sector or analysis type, and produce a truly personalised training solution for your organisation.
All NAFEMS training courses are entirely code independent, meaning they are suitable for users of any software package.
Courses are available to both members and non-members of NAFEMS, although member organisations will enjoy a significant discount on all fees.
NAFEMS course tutors enjoy a world-class reputation in the engineering analysis community, and with decades of experience between them, will deliver tangible benefits to you, your analysis team, and your wider organisation.
ID | Competence Statement |
FEAkn1 | List the various steps in the analysis/simulation process. |
FEAkn2 | Define the meaning of degree of freedom. |
FEAkn3 | List the nodal degrees of freedom and the associated force actions for common beam, 2D solid, 2D axisymmetric, 3D solid and shell elements, for the Displacement FEM. |
FEAkn8 | List the requirements for an axisymmetric analysis to be valid. |
FEAkn9 | List the degrees of freedom to be constrained on a symmetric boundary. |
FEAkn11 | Sketch problems showing the various form of symmetry. |
FEAkn12 | List the advantages of using symmetry. |
FEAkn14 | List the possible advantages of applying material properties, loads and boundary conditions to underlying geometry rather than to finite element entities. |
FEAkn15 | List 2 common solvers for large sets of simultaneous equations. |
FENkn16 | List the various forms of element distortion. |
FEAkn17 | List the various element types commonly used in the analysis of components within your organisation. |
FEAco1 | Describe the sources of error inherent in finite element analysis, in general terms. |
FEAco2 | Discuss checks that may be used post-solution to check for the presence of inaccuracy. |
FEAco4 | Explain the meaning of convergence, including h and p types. |
FEAco5 | Discuss the difficulties that can arise in using a CAD model as the basis for carrying out analysis and simulation. |
FEAco6 | Discuss the need for a consistent set of units in any analysis and illustrate possible pitfalls. |
FEAco7 | Explain why strains and stresses are generally less accurate than displacements for any given mesh of elements, using the Displacement FEM. |
FEAco11 | Discuss the finite element / spring analogy. |
FEAco12 | Outline a common method employed to solve the large sets of sparse symmetric common in FEA. |
FEAco13 | Explain how the structural stiffness matrix is assembled from the individual element matrices. |
FEAco14 | Discuss the nature of the structural stiffness matrix. |
FEAco18 | Explain the term Isoparametric Element. |
FEAco24 | Discuss the relationship between shape function and strain/stress prediction for simple 2D linear and parabolic elements. |
FEAco26 | Discuss the significance of computer memory to solution elapse time for large models. |
FEAco27 | Explain how unwanted cracks can be produced in 2D and 3D solid meshes and describe which plot type is useful in detecting these. |
FEAco28 | Explain why element distortion generally results in poorer results. |
FEAco29 | Discuss the term Flying Structure or Insufficiently Constrained Structure. |
FEAco30 | Explain why stress averaging is not appropriate at junctions between elements of different thickness. |
FEAco31 | Explain why most finite elements do not represent a circular boundary exactly and highlight how this approximation manifests itself. |
FEAco35 | Discuss the terms Validation and Verification and highlight their importance. |
FEAco40 | Explain the rationale behind the use of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D elements used in the analysis of components within your organisation. |
FEAap1 | Employ an analysis system for the determination of stresses and strains in small displacement, linear elastic problems. |
FEAap2 | Demonstrate effective use of available results presentation facilities. |
FEAap3 | Illustrate the approximate nature of finite element analysis, through examples chosen from your industry sector. |
FEAap4 | Illustrate the various steps in the Displacement Finite Element Method from assumed displacement polynomial to determination of stresses. |
FEAap5 | Illustrate possible applications of 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D elements in your industry sector. |
FEAap7 | Employ symmetric boundary conditions effectively. |
FEAap10 | Illustrate various physical situations which will result in a Stress Singularity and explain why it is not appropriate to use finite element results at such locations directly. |
FEAap12 | Employ a range of post-solution checks to determine the integrity of FEA results. |
FEAan1 | Analyse the results from small displacement, linear static analyses and determine whether they satisfy inherent assumption |
FEAan2 | Compare the results from small displacement, linear elastic analyses with allowable values and comment on findings. |
FEAev2 | Assess the significance of neglecting any feature or detail in any idealisation. |
Please complete this form if you are interested in scheduling an on-site training session, or if you would like to be notified of the next public course session.
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