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S​trategic Services

N​AFEMS is committed to helping organisations of all sizes get the best from modelling and simulation.

That's why we've introduced a range of independent strategic services to help your business transform the way it does simulation and take your efficiency, effectiveness, and competitive advantage to the next level.

With our global network of industry-renowned experts, consultants, and strategists, NAFEMS can work with your organisation to ensure you're getting the most out of your modelling and simulation activities.

These strategic services are independent and vendor-neutral, aiming to position your business for optimal success.

B​rowse the available services below, or contact the NAFEMS team to talk about how we can build a program exclusively for you.

With our global network of industry-renowned experts, consultants, and strategists, NAFEMS can work with your organisation to ensure you're getting the most out of your modelling and simulation activities.