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Found 42 results, Showing Page 1 of 5

Title Type Author
NAFEMS Computational Fluid Dynamics Benchmarks - Volume 1PublicationHorvat. A
Advanced Finite Element Contact BenchmarksPublicationKonter. A
Benchmarks for Membrane and Bending Analysis of Laminated Shells Part1 - Stiffness Matrix and Thermal CharacteristicsPublicationHopkins. P
Procedural Benchmarks for Common Fabrication Details in Plate/Shell StructuresPublicationWood. J
Benchmarks for Membrane and Bending Analysis of Laminated Shells Part2 - Strength AnalysisPublicationHopkins. P
Benchmarks for Radiation and Scattering of SoundPublicationSvobodnik. A Hofstetter. G Estorff. O
Benchmarks for Composite DelaminationPublicationDavies. G
Composite BenchmarksPublicationHardy. S
NAFEMS Benchmark Tests for Finite Element Modelling of Contact, Gapping and SlidingPublicationPrinja. N Feng. Q
Understanding Non-linear Finite Element Analysis Through Illustrative BenchmarksPublicationBecker. A