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Getting Started with the Structural Analysis of Composites

Getting Started with the Structural Analysis of Composites

NAFEMS wishes to commission an author to the on-demand course “Getting Started with the Structural Analysis of Composites”.

The structural analysis of composites is a challenging task, involving complex pre- and post-processing steps. This on-demand course is expected to deliver guidance to analysis engineers on the necessary steps and underlying theory to derive results useful for the design of short and long fibre reinforced composite structures.

Intended Audience

The intended readership consists of simulation engineers involved with structural FEA.


The course is expected to provide a practical guide, with links to underlying theory for analysts, including (but not limited to) the following topics:

  • Introduction, fundamentals and industrial application areas for short and long fibre reinforced composites
  • Introduction to mechanics at micro-, meso- and macroscale
  • Practical and theoretical considerations related to the calculation of stiffness and strength of composite materials
  • Best practice guidance for the structural analysis of composite materials (pre-processing, analysis setup, post-processing, assessment and design)


The on-demand course is aimed to be delivered through the NAFEMS Learning Hub, consisting of text, formulas, figures, videos, quizzes and downloadable files. Further specification and support will both be provided by the NAFEMS technical and marketing teams. The approximate learning time of the total course for course attendees is expected to be around 3 to 5 hours.


The total cost is not expected to exceed £6000 (GBP), and it is expected that the course will be completed within 12 months from NAFEMS approval.

Guidance for Proposals

Each proposal should consist of:

  • The proposed structure of the course with specification of the individual examples
  • Work plan including milestones and interim deliveries for early review
  • Cost
  • The authors' credentials, curriculum vitae, etc. (Proposals from single authors and consortia will be considered.)
  • The PSE competencies that the publication is anticipated to address. Review the list of PSE competencies for “Composite Materials and Structures”. Contact to obtain access.


All proposals should be sent to NAFEMS at to arrive no later than 31st of January 2025.