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Expert Perspectives on Modelling and Simulation in Engineering

This paper summarises work that was undertaken to determine the current attitude within the industry to the use of simulation to support engineering activity. The project was progressed using a series of interviews with subject matter experts, supported by literature reviews and other evidence and experience gained by the project team. 

The experts were largely selected from contacts within NAFEMS member companies. These contacts were known to the NAFEMS project team through their own publications and involvement in NAFEMS activities including conferences, seminars and working groups. Where possible, organisations of different sizes were contacted within the same sector to observe any differences. Interviewees were in some cases working in companies involved with mass-produced items that can be thoroughly tested in their completed state but in others the final product was a unique one-off design that cannot be practicably tested for the extreme loads of interest. The interviews addressed the role of M&S in both product development and non-project specific long-term research, including the role of M&S when new technologies are brought into the company. The interviews were conducted with experts working within the following sectors: 

• Automotive (focussing largely on crashworthiness),
• Aerospace (including severe events such as Fan Blade Off (FBO)),
• Medical Devices (focussing on human interaction),
• Oil & Gas (severe events such as explosion),
• Civil/Structural Engineering (severe events such as seismic and blast).

International Standard Book Number: 978-1-83979-233-5 
First Published: 2024 
Order Reference:

Published By:
Springwood - Booths Park
Chelford Road
WA16 8QZ
United Kingdom
Copyright © NAFEMS 2024. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system without prior permission of the publisher.

Document Details

AuthorsDutton. T
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 7th September 2024


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