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The NAFEMS Composites Survey

An important part of NAFEMS’ mission is listening to the needs of the community and paying close attention to emerging interests. The working groups, consisting of more than 300 NAFEMS members, identify areas of interest and refer them to the analysis community. The identified educational materials are developed to ensure that NAFEMS’ vision evolves in line with the needs of the members and the wider simulation community.

The NAFEMS Composites Working Group (CWG) was formed in the Fall of 2010, following strong demand from within the NAFEMS membership for an increased level of activities related to the application of numerical methods to the analysis and assessment of composite materials. Prior to this date, NAFEMS had already developed a number of publications and hosted several events which were of direct relevance to composites.Since 2011, the newly formed working group has been acting as the focal point for NAFEMS activities related to composite materials. Currently, the group includes several of the leading practitioners in the field of composites in finite element analysis (FEA).

Composite materials are made from two or more constituent materials with significantly different physical or chemical properties that remain separate and distinct within the finished structure. These composite materials come in many shapes, sizes and formats.They behave differently and fail in many different ways.

The mission of the NAFEMS Composites Working Group is to create awareness and education for the simulation of composites by gathering independent information and providing independent analysis of composites simulation capabilities and needs. The mission includes education, communication, promotion of standards, and identification of simulation requirements that will have general benefit.

The vision of the NAFEMS Composites Working Group is to create a cross-industry consortium in an end-user driven, vendor-neutral, arena for discussing, sharing, and evolving engineering techniques and practices in the simulation of composite materials.


1. Introduction to the NAFEMS Composites Working Group
2. Introduction to the Survey
3. Demographics
4. Current Use of Composites
5. Manufacturing of Composites
6. Capabilities in Need of Improvement
7. Current Practice for the Analysis of Composite Structures
8. Future Trends
9. Most Important Issues
10. Summary and Conclusions
11. Resulting Strategic Plan

Document Details

AuthorNAFEMS Composites Working Group
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 1st March 2014


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