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A Guide to NAFEMS Publications

This Roadmap describes all major NAFEMS publications issued between the start of the organization in 1985 and the end of 2009. Some 158 documents are included. In the early days of the organization, emphasis was on producing well-defined benchmark tests and some basic Primers suitable for the practising engineer rather than the finite element theoretician. More latterly, the emphasis shifted to producing the “How To” and “Why Do” booklets, concerning particular aspects within the finite element technology. Some specific reports were produced for the GEM and SAFESA projects, along with some concerning quality assurance and software management.

Additional initiatives have produced workbooks and case studies with strong educational flavours as well as a series of one-day Seminar and multi-day Conference proceedings. All these different types of publication are identified throughout this Roadmap.

The publications have generally been commissioned under the auspices of NAFEMS Working Groups, and so reflect user driven demands and needs at the time of production. Some of the documents cover elementary introductions to theory and practice, whilst others are aimed at the more advanced reader. The total publication list nowadays provides a very comprehensive and important library base for the modern finite element user, covering virtually all aspects of the subject in varying degrees of complexity. 

Document Details

AuthorHellen. T
AudiencesAnalyst Manager Student Developer
Date 1st January 2010


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