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Computational Electromagnetics Knowledge Base

Computational Electromagnetics
Knowledge Base

Welcome to the Computational Electromagnetics Knowledge Base. The content in the knowledge base is maintained and endorsed by the NAFEMS Computational Electromagnetics Working Group (CEMWG).

Electromagnetic phenomena have been documented and extensively developed from a theoretical standpoint for many hundreds of years. The first notions of electro-statics were developed by Thales of Miletus in 600 BC and Theophrastus in 300 BC. Our current mathematical framework was established between the XVII and XVIII centuries by the works of Ampère, Gauss, Faraday and Maxwell. Nevertheless it remains a complex domain for many engineers because of its counterintuitive outcomes compared to ingrained everyday experience.

Similar to other domains dealing with evolution and propagation of a given physical phenomena, CEM has evolved and branched into several shapes in order to deal with time (evolution) and space (propagation) in the most efficient manners depending on the application at hand. Many methods share common ground with those developed for structural mechanics or computational fluid dynamics.

CEM is often applied in scenarios involving harmonic input loading or signals. This implies that in many cases it is convenient to transform the time evolution into a frequency based one which can simplify the computational endeavour. Otherwise, time-based methods are required. This is also the case if the response of the system is nonlinear.

As the speed at which electromagnetic waves propagate corresponds to the speed of light, “distant” perturbations can have a non-negligible influence. This implies that, more often than not, it is required to take in account the surroundings of the system. The techniques to model these effects share a common ground with typical techniques used in the domain of acoustic waves, such as Boundary Integral Methods or the use of specialised absorbing layers to prevent unwanted simulation boundary interactions.

1. M​ethods

1.1Finite Element Method
1.2Finite Volume Method
1.3Boundary Integral Methods
1.4Finite Difference Time Domain
1.5Finite Integration Technique
1.6Transmission Line Matrix
1.7Optics and Raytracing

2. Applications

2.1Multiphysics Simulation
2.2Applications and Methods Matrix
2.3Solver Selection

3. B​enchmark Problems



AbbreviationFull Name
BEMBoundary Element Method
EMCElectroMagnetic Compatibility
EMIElectroMagnetic Interference
FDTDFinite Difference Time Domain
FEMFinite Element Method
FITFinite Integration Method
FVMFinite Volume Method
HPCHigh Performance Computing
IRTIntelligent Ray Tracing
GOGeometrical Optics
GTDGeometrical Theory of Diffraction
IPOIterative Physical Optics
MGEMaxwell's Grid Equations
MoMMethod of Moments
MLFMMMulti Level Fast Multipole Method
PEECPartial Element Equivalent Circuits
POPhysical Optics
PWBPoWer Balance
SBRShooting and Bouncing Rays
SMAIMSparse Matrix Adaptive Integral Method
S-PEECSurface - Partial Element Equivalent Circuits
TLMTransmission Line Matrix
UTDUniform Theory of Diffraction


Document Details

AuthorsAlves. J
AudiencesAnalyst Student
TypeKnowledge Base
Date 16th May 2024

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