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Understanding the Different Forms of Democratization of Engineering Simulation

Understanding the Different Forms of Democratization of Engineering Simulation

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The objective of this Strategic Insight Paper is to provide information, insights, and clarity on the different forms of Democratization of Engineering Simulation including different purposes, requirements, valid approaches and issues. 


The ASSESS Initiative would like to acknowledge the efforts of the Democratization of Engineering Simulation Theme Committee for their contributions to advance this ASSESS theme and the development of this Strategic Insight Paper. It would also like to acknowledge the efforts of those who participated in Working Sessions at the ASSESS annual Congresses on the Democratization of Engineering Simulation Theme. 

The ASSESS Initiative would like to acknowledge specifically the following individuals for their efforts on this ASSESS Strategic Insight Paper. 

Primary Author:

  • Joe Walsh, intrinSIM


  • Rod Dreisbach, NAFEMS Technical Fellow, Independent Engineering Consultant,
  • Keith Hanna, Independent Engineering Consultant,
  • Roger Keene, NAFEMS,
  • Bruce Webster, Novus Nexus,
  • Ravi Shankar, Siemens Digital Industry Software

Document Details

AuthorsWalsh. J
AudiencesAnalyst Manager
Date 10th October 2024
OrganisationASSESS Initiative


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