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How To Get Started with CFD

This booklet reviews how CFD simulations are run and the requirements needed to do this in terms of software, hardware and suitably skilled people. It has been written to guide those who make commercial decisions about the use of CFD technology and so it is aimed mainly at the industrial user. However, it also has relevance for other users, such as academics seeking to start work in this field.

It discusses the steps that are needed to develop a CFD analysis capability including assessing the need for CFD, obtaining suitable hardware and software, finding and training staff, validating test cases and establishing CFD procedures.

It is hoped that the reader might avoid the common pitfalls that occur when getting started with CFD and will be confident in establishing a CFD capability tuned to their organisation’s requirements.


1. Introduction1
1.1 Overview1
1.2 Assessing the need1
1.3 Some steps to consider2
2. Running CFD Simulations5
3. Developing a CFD Capability9
3.1 Software packages for CFD analysis9
3.2 Available computer hardware systems12
3.3 Matching hardware types to analyses14
4. Specifying CFD Software17
5. Specifying Hardware for CFD23
6. Issues of Staffing25
6.1 Skills required by an analysis team25
6.2 Recruiting staff26
6.3 Training needs27
6.4 Using consultants and universities28
7. Validation29
8. Establishing CFD Procedures31
9. Case Studies33
9.1 Company A33
9.2 Company B34
10. Conclusions35

Document Details

AuthorShaw. C
AudiencesAnalyst Manager Designer
Date 1st January 2002


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