Engineering professionals work to enhance the wellbeing of society. In doing so they are required to maintain and promote high ethical standards and challenge unethical behaviour. There are four fundamental principles for ethical behaviour and decision-making,1 . These are:
1.1. Honesty and integrity
1.2. Respect for life, law, the environment and public good
1.3. Accuracy and rigour
1.4. Leadership and communication.
These principles are detailed in Appendix 1, together with examples of how each should be applied. Professional Simulation Engineers are required to observe the provisions of these Ethical Principles.
All Professional Simulation Engineers are obliged to:
2.1. Uphold the reputation of NAFEMS and the simulation engineering profession
2.2. Accept the NAFEMS Professional Simulation Engineer Disciplinary Procedure and co-operate with it when required.
2.3. Accept appropriate responsibility for work carried out under their supervision.
2.4. Assess relevant liability and, if appropriate, hold professional indemnity insurance.
2.5. Support a colleague or any other person to whom they have a duty of care who in good faith raises any concern about a danger, risk, malpractice or wrongdoing which affects others.
2.6. Notify NAFEMS if they have:
2.6.1. received a criminal conviction, or an adverse civil court judgement, related to any aspect of this Code of Conduct.
2.6.2. been declared bankrupt or disqualified as a Company Director or Charity Trustee.
2.6.3. had membership of another professional body terminated as a result of a disciplinary procedure.
2.7. Notify NAFEMS of any significant violation of this Code of Conduct by another Professional Simulation Engineer.
Professional Simulation Engineers are required to comply with NAFEMS’ Code of Conduct; but if any elements of the Code of Conduct conflict with local laws, the Professional Simulation Engineer is required to comply with the Code of Conduct to the maximum extent possible without breaching such laws.
Professional Simulation Engineers should be aware that:
3.1. Any alleged breach of this Code of Conduct received by NAFEMS will be dealt with in accordance with the NAFEMS Professional Simulation Engineer Disciplinary Process.
3.2. A Professional Simulation Engineer proved to have breached this Code of Conduct may be removed from the register of Professional Simulation Engineers or have other sanctions imposed by NAFEMS.
The four fundamental principles for ethical behaviour and decision-making are:
1. Honesty and integrity
Engineering professionals have a duty to uphold the highest standards of professional conduct including openness, fairness, honesty and integrity. They should:
2. Respect for life, law, the environment and public good
Engineering professionals have a duty to obey all applicable laws and regulations and give due weight to facts, published standards and guidance and the wider public interest. They should:
3. Accuracy and rigour
Engineering professionals have a duty to acquire and use wisely the understanding, knowledge and skills needed to perform their role. They should:
4. Leadership and communication
Engineering professionals have a duty to abide by and promote high standards of leadership and communication. They should:
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