When applicants have submitted the online application form, the PSE Administrator will check the application form for completeness and consistency. Applicants will receive a note from the NAFEMS office confirming receipt of the form and advising of the approximate timeline for their application. The PSE Administrator reviews the application form and will contact the applicant if there are clear errors and omissions in the application form. Applicants are asked to thoroughly check their form to avoid unnecessary administrative work and delays. The Administrator will check with the candidate’s referees that they are aware of the applicant’s submission. The referees will be asked to confirm that the candidate has the capabilities required for Professional Simulation Engineering certification. Applications will be forwarded to two independent PSE Assessors who will assess the Technical Areas claimed against the simulation experience that has been provided.
An interview will then be arranged by the Administrator, with the applicants and the assessors, at a convenient time. This interview may be undertaken by video call over the web or in person.
Following the interview, the assessors will make their final recommendation for the PSE Certification application and this will then be discussed with the PSE Certification Coordinator. The PSE Assessors will make one of four recommendations. These are:
Neither the Administrator nor the Assessors are able to advise applicants about the decision that they make, as their recommendation must be approved by the PSE Certification Coordinator.
If applicants are successful, they will receive a letter and a certificate from the NAFEMS Chief Executive confirming their achievement. Their name will then be included in the Record of Certified Professional Simulation Engineers
NAFEMS has an arbitration and appeals process, whereby applicants who are dissatisfied with the process may appeal within a given timeframe. All documentation will be made available to the Arbitration Panel for their consideration. More information about this process is available on the PSE Appeals page.
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