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Gold Sponsorship

ASSESS Summit Gold Sponsorship


$3800 Members, $5500 for Non-Members

Increase your exposure as a Gold Sponsor, with one registration included, strong marketing exposure, and a step closer to success (hotel room not provided).

This includes one registration and a $400 discount on additional registrations. Sponsor logo will be included in all marketing materials and printed pieces, including agenda and onsite signage.

To sponsor this event, please use the checkout feature in the column to the right. If you are a member of NAFEMS, please be sure to login to ensure you receive the company member discount. If you require support, please contact the NAFEMS Americas office.

Product Details

Order Ref: ASSESS25-Gold

Member Price
£2943.12 | $3800.00 | €3500.05
Non-member Price
£4259.78 | $5500.00 | €5065.86

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Platinum Sponsor






Gold Sponsor

Beta CAE


Silver Sponsor



Media Sponsor

DE247 - - Gold Sponsor of the ASSESS Summit