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Call For Presentation

2024 NAFEMS Iberia Conference

Call For Presentation

Submit an abstract

NAFEMS Iberia invites you to submit your presentation for consideration, in English, Spanish or Portuguese language. Submissions are welcomed from across the industry and from every area engaged in simulation within the topic. Presentations are expected to last 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes discussion. The best presentation of the conference, voted by the NAFEMS Iberia Steering Group, will be requested to publish in the NAFEMS technical journal EMAS.

Submission Deadlines and Requirements

  • Extended to 26 September 2024: At a first stage please submit your abstract, approximately 300 words, using the format provided.
  • 10 October 2024: Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be notified prior to this date and asked to prepare a PowerPoint presentation using the NAFEMS model provided. The presentation must follow the defined “Presentation & Speaker Rules and Suggestions” (click on the underlined text to view the document)
  • 31 October 2024: Presentations to be submitted for approval by the Technical Committee.
  • 12 November 2024: Final presentation to be submitted in Powerpoint format. Presentations will be delivered using the computer and equipment provided by the organizers. With the author’s permission (a form will be provided) the PowerPoint presentation will be made available for attendees and NAFEMS members in pdf format within the seminar webpage.



Please fill out the form below or e-mail your abstract (including a phone number) to