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2024 NAFEMS Iberia Conference


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NAFEMS Iberia is delighted to introduce you to the preliminary agenda for the 2024 NAFEMS Iberia Conference

NAFEMS Iberia Conference- Innovative Design and Simulation Technologies

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid            14 November 2024
SESSION 1: Room A-201 Torres Quevedo (2nd floor)
12:00Welcome (NAFEMS Iberia)
12:05Presentation by NAFEMS International
12:15Structural Topology Optimization as a Convolutional Neural Network.
 Raul Llamas (Airbus)
12:40Rapid Generative Design Exploration & Simulation Methods for Additively Manufactured Heat Exchangers.
 Alejandro Lopez (nTopology Inc.)
13:05How can classic engineering methods be combined with machine learning algorithms to reduce cabin noise?
 Annika Schmidt (Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau)
13:30Questions & Answers (additional)
13:40SPONSOR presentation: Dassault
13:45Snack lunch break (Exhibition area)
SESSION 2: Room A-201 Torres Quevedo (2nd floor)
** in parallel with SESSION 3, please note timing
14:25Analysis of Insertion and Extraction Processes.
 Pablo González & Javier Rodríguez (Principia)
14:50A cost-effective Cold Roll-Forming FE model for industrial applications
 Timothy Senart (CRM Group)
15:15Simulación CFD-DEM en el diseño de gasificadores de biomasa
de lecho fluidizado.
 Pedro Gómez Molina & Álvaro José Martínez González (ICEMM)
15:40Body in White stiffness prediction and Optimization.
 Dimitrios Drougkas (Beta CAE Systems SA) & Fabiola Cavaliere (Centro Técnico de SEAT S.A.)
16:05Questions & Answers (additional)
16:10Coffee break (Exhibition area)
SESSION 3: Room A-102 Emilio Herrera (1st floor)
** in parallel with SESSION 2, please note timing
14:25Thermodynamics-informed Neural Networks in Physical Simulation.
 Alberto Badias (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
14:50Development of a reduced FE model for failure prediction of
recycled composite plies structures.
 Miguel Herraez (TecnoDigital School)
15:15Intelligence Morphing: Using CAD morphing and machine learning to predict CAE results
 Alberto Perez, Victor Jaouen & Vidya Shankar (Simulexa) 
15:40Optimización multiobjetivo mediante algoritmos genéticos.
 Nicolas Escribano, Gabriel Beltrán Lostal, José Manuel Bielsa Gimeno & Begoña García Arregui (Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITA))
16:05Questions & Answers (additional)
16:10Coffee break (Exhibition area)
SESSION 4: Room A-201 Torres Quevedo (2nd floor)
16:40SPONSOR presentation: BETA CAE Systems
16:45A Framework for Analytical Decomposition of Subjective Attributes Within Vehicle Dynamics.
 Dylan Watt (Jaguar Land Rover)
17:10The Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Discussion and methodology proposal for proper development of numerical wind tunnels.
 Francisco Hurtado (Cade Solutiones de Ingenieria S.L.)
17:35Application of machine learning for reduce modelling in order to calibrate a 1D ventilation model of a complex road tunnel network.
 Fabian de Kluijver & Alberto Lopez de Arriba  (JVVA)
18:00Questions & Answers (additional)
18:10Concluding remarks (NAFEMS Iberia)


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