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NAFEMS Iberia Conference

2024 NAFEMS Iberia Conference

NAFEMS Iberia Conference

Innovative Design and Simulation Technologies

View the Agenda


A​ccess the Presentations

The NAFEMS Iberia Conference 2024 brought together participants from every type of organisation both large and small, across all industry sectors, academia, research institute and others to discuss the trends, challenges, best practices and advances in FEA, CFD and data science related to process and product design that will seek to improve our knowledge, efficiency while reducing our effort, cost and wastage for a cleaner and brighter future.

The conference provided a discussion forum for topics that are vital to the complete engineering industry, exploring:

  • Advanced simulation methodologies including up-front and reduced modelling
  • The role and use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Digital twins and virtual manufacturing applications
  • The use of simulation for environmental benefits and sustainable engineering
  • Building confidence in simulation credibility for engineering, including Validation and advanced physical testing technologies

The conference offered presentations on novel case studies, innovations, new practices, etc. and facilitated discussions and meeting like-minded engineers to help improve your knowledge, your collaborations and network and help prepare for future developments in the industry.


EMAS - The NAFEMS Journal


P​resenters who have been accepted for any NRC24 Conference can submit their paper for the NAFEMS Journal EMAS, and have the standard submission fee waived.