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Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

  • Includes four registrations. These can be a mix of staff and customers.
  • 50% discount on additional registrations.
  • Recognized as Gold Sponsor on all marketing materials, both printed and online. This includes the website and all marketing emails sent out by NAFEMS promoting the event. A link to sponsor website will be attached to your logo on the NAFEMS website.
  • Three minute slot in the Plenary Session
  • Sponsor of Lunch – this will be announced with Table tents at lunch and in the opening and closing ceremonies
  • Recognized during Opening and Closing Ceremonies as the Gold Sponsor
  • Prime Booth location with expanded booth size, TBD with event manager, somehow make this larger than regular exhibitors and smaller than platinum
  • Contact details for attendees who opt in, in accordance with GDPR
  • Listed in program, if printed, or online scheduler
  • One vendor content session

Product Details

Order Ref: complex-gold-23
Type: Sponsorship

Member Price
£3068.92 | $4000.00 | €3670.74
Non-member Price
£4603.38 | $6000.00 | €5506.11