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Fusion of Test and Analysis in Structural Dynamics

Fusion of Test and Analysis in Structural Dynamics

Sometimes the best method for solving a dynamics problem is to gather data from both experiments and simulations. This has always been done but traditionally these have been separate disciplines. There is an initiative known as Fusion of Test and Analysis (FTA) which coordinates these activities. The objective of this workshop was to explain and show how fusion is applied.

This initiative is already operating in some high tech industries and has also been adopted by some specialist dynamics organisations. It has significant advantages in reducing uncertainty and is often faster, cheaper and simpler than using simulation or test alone. It is being adopted as a way forward for solving dynamics problems. In particular, one example of a new test method for qualification testing gives order-of-magnitude enhancements to the technical performance of a test, with the traditional over-tests and under-tests virtually eliminated. Typically, this can be achieved with a 3 times reduction in test running costs and a 6 times reduction in test infrastructure cost.

Some immediate advantages of FTA are the ability

  • To identify boundary conditions properly
  • To quantify damping values correctly
  • To identify the properties of elastomers 
  • To satisfy the needs of validation and verification

The day was divided into two parts:

  • In the morning several approaches to FTA were discussed and examples of large-scale and small-scale FTA were described.
  • In the afternoon an item was tested and analysed illustrating how both test and analysis can help solve a dynamics problem.


General Introduction to Fusion of Test and Analysis
David Ewins, Imperial College

The Rolls-Royce approach to FTA 
Ibrahim Sever, Rolls Royce Plc.

Small-scale Fusion of Test and Analysis
Brian Jarvis, Eatec

Simulation to Optimise Testing
Phil Ind and Phil Daborn, Atomic Weapons Establishment

Combined use of Simulation and Test Data   
Eddie Dascotte, Dynamic Design Solutions

Making Fusion Part of Project Management
Ed Green, Rolls Royce Plc.