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Quality & Reliability of CFD Simulations

Quality & Reliability of CFD Simulations

6th Seminar in NAFEMS seminar series on Quality and Reliability in Industrial CFD 

This was the 6th seminar in the NAFEMS series on Quality and Reliability in Industrial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). 

Simulations are now being used widely across a broad range of industries and increasingly results from these simulations are being relied upon to provide understanding and often both quantitative and qualitative data that is used to design and understand flow systems. The complexity of the system simulated can mean that direct validation is rarely trivial and sometimes impossible, so it is important for the engineer to understand the level of confidence that can be placed on the outcomes.

Since the first NAFEMS Quality and Reliability in CFD seminar in 2004, accessibility to simulation has increased, which has led to more people using analysis tools. We therefore returned to the topics that proved so popular at the first Quality and Reliability seminar, helping engineers, managers, design teams and industry bodies determine the level of trust that can be placed in a particular simulation.


pres_ads.pdfWelcome and Introduction: The Challenges of Validation, An Industrial PerspectiveAlthea de Souza, Tridiagonal Solutionspres_willetts.pdfQuality & Trust Requirements for Industrial CFDMark Willetts, Alstompres_kelsey.pdfDevelopment and Application of Model Evaluation ProtocolsAdrian Kelsey, Health &Safety Laboratory Buxtonpres_gerasimov.pdfTesting and Validation in Commercial CFDAleksey Gerasimov, Ansys

Confidence Based on Best Practices
Axel Kierkegaard, CD-adapco

pres_horvat.pdfVerification and Quality Assurance in the Simulation Analysis ProcessAndrei Horvat, MMI Engineeringpres_jasak.pdfOpen Source ChallengesHrvoje Jasak, Wikki Ltd.pres_trebunskikh.pdfOverview of a Validation Strategy for Modern CAD-Embedded CFD CodesTiatiana Trebunskikh, Mentor Graphicspres_prinja.pdfHow to Build and Manage Simulation Engineer CompetencyNawal Prinja, AMECpres_young.pdfThe Relative Merits of Implicit Representation and Explicit Simulation in CFDColin Young, Rolls Royce