2 - 3 February 2010, Esbjerg, Denmark
Composite structures or components are increasingly use as primary load carrying structures in nearly all fields of our society, taking advantage of the increased structural strength and stiffness to weight ratios, corrosion resistance, or more innovative design capability that composites bring. The nature of the composite used can range from cheap and freely available glass fiber reinforced systems to exotic and specifically tailored carbon, aramid or even metal/matrix systems, with many forms of manufacturing process available.
The design may include thick composite sections with large numbers of plies, there may be regions of significant ply drop off, sandwich construction and also bonded joints. In this case the strength prediction may become very difficult and can often only be solved with the incorporation of advanced experimental tests.
The successful application of FE methods for the design of components and structures which are made of modern materials strongly depends on the ability of the designer to choose the correct lay up, fiber orientation etc. The development of numerical methods and faster computers, better design criteria etc. makes it much more economically efficient than experimental testing although that experimental test in some extent is still needed.
It is anticipated that the increased use of such advanced materials combined with the necessity to calculate the structural integrity more precisely, will result in an increasing amount of advanced FE analysis to simulate failure phenomena using nonlinear analysis, progressive cracking, debonding, delamination, brittle and ductile fracture, etc.
The seminar is intended as a forum for experts in the area of prediction and modelling of complicated composite structures by using FEA. The event is accompanied by an exhibition of engineering software, computer systems, and related consultancy services. A comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art and trends as well as of future challenges will thus be accessible to participants.
The foundation of a NAFEMS Composite Working Group will be discussed. All interested should not miss this opportunity to get information about this first hand.
Organization This seminar is organized by NAFEMS NORDIC in cooperation with Aalborg University, Risø DTU and IDA, Danish Society of Engineers.
The seminar will be accompanied by an exhibition of leading software and hardware suppliers and vendors. The exhibition will enable these to feature the latest developments and give all attendants the opportunities to discuss technical topics.
Technical Coordinators Dr. Find M. Jensen (Risø DTU) – Chairman *
Prof. Lars Damkilde (AAU-Esbjerg) – Co-chairman
Dr. Anders Kristiansen (AAU-Esbjerg) – Co-chairman
Dr. Lars P. Mikkelsen (Risø DTU) – Co-chairman
* Member of the NAFEMS Nordic Steering Committee
The ppt-presentations (pdf) are available only for seminar delegates.
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Welcome and Introduction to NAFEMS
Digimat Material eXpert – From the Material Lab to the Efficient and Optimal Design of Reinforced Plastic Parts S. Lepage, L.Adam, R. Assaker (e-Xstream engineering)
New Approaches for Efficient Pre and Post Processing of Composite Structures R. Roos, M. Wintermantel (EVEN – Evolutionary Engineering AG);
M. Hörmann (CADFEM GmbH); M. Palanterä (Componeering Inc.)
Innovative Numerical Methods for Analysis and Optimisation of CompositesM. Bruyneel , J. P. Delsemme, Ph. Jetteur, A. Remouchamps (Samtech)
Benefits of Structural Optimization in the Aerospace Design Process: Recent Industrial Applications on Composites Structures P.-O. Jansell (Altair Engineering)
Coffee break
Keynote presentation:
Benchmarking of Damage and Triaxial Design Methodologies for Fibre Reinforced Composites: The Second and Third World-Wide Failure Exercises (WWFE-2 and WWFE-3) A.S. Kaddour (QinetiQ)
Use of the Model Correction Factor Method with FEM-based Reliability Analysis of CompositesN. Dimitrov (Siemens), C. Berggreen (DTU Mek); P. Friis-Hansen (Det Norske Veritas)
Sponsor presentation: Altair Engineering
Sponsor presentation: Simulia Scandinavia
Sponsor presentation: CGTech
Come together in the exhibition area
Keynote presentation:
Simulating Composite Materials and Structures - Industry Applications
L. Rasmussen (Jupiter Group)
State of the Art FE-Simulations of Wind Turbines P. Berring, R. Bitsche , F. M. Jensen (Risø DTU); C. Jensen (ECC)
On Innovative Concepts of Future Wind Turbine Blade DesignF. M. Jensen , R. Bitsche, K. Branner, T. Sieradzan, A. Roczek, P. Berring (Risø DTU)
Structural Behaviour Due to Bend-Twist Couplings in Wind Turbine BladesV. Fedorov , N. Dimitrov, C. Berggreen, S. Krenk (DTU Mek);
K. Branner, P. Berring (Risø DTU)
Coffee break
A Smeared-out Material Model Predicting Compressive Failure of CompositesL. P. Mikkelsen (Risø DTU); K. D. Sørensen (Aalborg University);
H. M. Jensen (Aarhus University)
Elastic Microscale Simulation of Fiber-reinforced Polymers F. Wenzlau (Fraunhofer ITWM)
Application of a Cycle Jump Technique for Acceleration of Fatigue Crack Growth SimulationR. Moslemian , C. Berggreen (DTU Mek); A. M. Karlsson (University of Delaware, USA)
Debonding Failure in CompositesB. N. Legarth , C. Didriksen, A. B. Richelsen (DTU Mek)
Lunch break
Keynote presentation :
Simulation of Fiber Composites – An Assessment
K. Rohwer (German Aerospace Center)
Joining of Composites Research
B. F. Sørensen (Risø DTU)
NAFEMS Composites Working Group
R. Oswald (NAFEMS)
Farewell / End
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