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Composite and Light-Weight Material Modeling and Simulation

Composite and Light-Weight Material Modeling and Simulation

The aim of this afternoon seminar was to focus mainly on current and potential users of simulation tools in the field of composite and/or light-weight materials. The presentations gave an overview of the applications being carried out by various companies, research centres and universities, working in a variety of sectors and were independent of any particular software. Taking account the increasing activity in simulation in the Iberian peninsula, this seminar was a good opportunity to discuss this topic and meet with other colleagues working in the same area.


Lee Margetts - Manchester University
Image based modelling of composites and light weight materials

Alfredo Guemes - UPM
Inhomogeneidades locales en el campo de deformaciones en laminados realizados con tejidos

Gino Duffett - Aperio Technology
Optimización de Materiales Compuestos Laminares para Diseños Estructurales

Carlos Terrés Aboitiz - ESI Group Hispania
Materiales Compuestos, de la caracterización al cálculo pasando por la fabricación

Filipe Teixeira Dias - University of Aveiro
An engineering approach to cellular materials and light-weight structures

Javier Rodriguez & Francisco Riera - Principia
Simulación de Daño y Rotura en Materiales Compuestos