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NAFEMS World Congress 2005

Engineering Simulation - Best Practices and Visions of the Future

St Julians, Malta, 17th-20th May 2005

The 10th International NAFEMS World Congress, held from May 17th-20th 2005 in Malta, welcomed over 250 attendees from across the globe, who came together to exchange information, meet new industry contacts, discuss best practices, and work towards their own visions of the future.

A packed programme saw over 150 papers presented over three days. From the largest multinational corporation, to the smallest consultancy firm, every paper was on an equal footing, and received equal attention. A listing of all the papers presented can be found here.

The essence of NAFEMS is one of global collaboration across industries and disciplines, and events such as the World Congress are a vital to ensure that the global community of engineering analysis continues to grow together towards continuing best practice.

This event also marked the final meeting of the EC funded FENet project, which NAFEMS has coordinated over the past four years.

NAFEMS would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made this event such a success, in particular, the conference sponsors, IBM, MSC.Software, UGS, ABAQUS, Adept Scientific, ANSYS, CD-adapco, Fluent, Samtech and Air Malta.