Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsorship

Our premium package. Limited numbers, and endless customisation options. A real partnership.

W​hat you get:

  • Recognized as Platinum Sponsor on relevant marketing material, emails, and promotions from the start of your agreement
  • 10-minute sponsor presentation slot in one of the plenary sessions (times and dates allocated on a first-come, first-served basis)
  • F​ive staff registrations for the Congress and all included functions
  • 15% discount on further staff registrations if coordinated centrally by you
  • Official sponsor of the Congress Gala Dinner, including speaking opportunity and logo placement on menus
  • Paragraph of description in the Congress program
  • Company logo on the virtual Congress bag
  • Contact details (name, company, email) of participants who agree at the on-site registration that we forward their contact details to the main sponsors (verbally asked, in accordance with GDPR)
  • Opportunity to place your company banner at the registration area and in the main plenary session
  • Use of an exclusive, shared sponsor meeting room (room booking on-site)
  • Official sponsor of one of the Best Paper awards
  • Inclusion in email promotions in advance of the Congress
  • Featured during the opening/closing speeches
  • Official sponsor of Welcome Reception
  • Two full-page adverts in Benchmark Magazine (January and April 2025 issues)
  • One full-page advert in NAFEMS DACH Magazin (March 2025 issue)
  • Two full sponsor “Inside Track” sessions (approximately 80 minutes per session) in the Congress Agenda for your free use. For example, product updates, support, tips & tricks, presentations, discussion sessions, or workshops.
  • Company logo placement on congress marketing materials - mailed to thousands key of people involved with CAE
  • Promotional material in virtual delegate pack (6 files)
  • Listed as Platinum Sponsor on the Congress website, with company logo and link to your website
  • Exhibition Stand (empty booth space) - choice of stand area equal to 8' x 16' (2,5 x 5 m)
  • Company logo included in Congress program

Product Details

Order Ref: NWC25-Platinum
Location: Salzburg
Country: Austria
Type: Sponsorship

Member Price
£30007.80 | $39250.81 | €36000.00
Non-member Price
£35009.10 | $45792.60 | €42000.00

C​all for Abstracts Now Open

S​ubmit your abstract by November 22nd 2024 at the latest.

G​et Started

I​mportant Dates

Abstract Deadline
22 November 2024

Notification of Abstract Acceptance
20 December 2024

Paper / Extended Abstract Deadline
31 January 2025

Preliminary Agenda Published
28 February 2025

Author Registration Deadline
10 March 2025

Presentation Submission Deadline
25 April 2025

P​latinum Sponsors

Dassault Systems - Platinum Sponsors of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025

A view of Salzburg, Austria, on a summer day
Mozart statue in Salzburg, Austria
Salzburg Congress, Austria, home of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025