Afternoon Coffee

A​fternoon Coffee Sponsorship

T​he afternoon coffee break at any conference is a welcome chance for attendees to recharge and catch a breath.

Be part of the refreshment and g​et your name in front of every attendee by sponsoring the afternoon coffee breaks - the delegates will thank you for it.

Product Details

Order Ref: NWC25-Coffee
Location: Salzburg
Country: Austria
Type: Sponsorship

Member Price
£2500.65 | $3270.90 | €3000.00
Non-member Price
£3334.20 | $4361.20 | €4000.00

C​all for Abstracts Now Open

S​ubmit your abstract by November 22nd 2024 at the latest.

G​et Started

I​mportant Dates

Abstract Deadline
22 November 2024

Notification of Abstract Acceptance
20 December 2024

Paper Deadline
31 January 2025

Preliminary Agenda Published
28 February 2025

Author Registration Deadline
10 March 2025

Presentation Submission Deadline
25 April 2025

P​latinum Sponsors

Dassault Systems - Platinum Sponsors of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025

A view of Salzburg, Austria, on a summer day
Mozart statue in Salzburg, Austria
Salzburg Congress, Austria, home of the NAFEMS World Congress 2025