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SMSWG Members

Members of the Systems Modeling and Simulation Working Group (SMSWG):

  • Peter Coleman | Airbus (Chair)
  • Alexander Busch | ANSYS
  • K​elly Zimmermann | Boeing
  • S​andeepak Natu | CIMdata
  • Greg Garstecki | Garstecki Modeling Solutions
  • Hans Peter de Koning | DEKonsult
  • Phyllis Marbach | INCOSE
  • Hubertus Tummescheit | Modelon
  • Ian Symington | NAFEMS
  • Rodney Dreisbach | NAFEMS Technical Fellow
  • Eric Landel | Consultant
  • Frank Popielas (Vice Chair) | SMS_ThinkTank
  • Mark Williams | PDES-LOTAR Consultant
  • A​lexander Karl | Rolls-Royce Corporation
  • Roger Burkhart | Thematix Partners LLC