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Stochastics Working Group

Extract significantly more business value from your investment in engineering analysis and simulation through the implementation of stochastic applications:

  • Produce repeatable, realistic and rapid results,
  • Reduce design cycle times through faster iterative analysis,
  • Reduce the number of physical prototypes required for design validation,
  • Improve accuracy to drive down product, development, manufacturing, and warranty costs.

Why Join?

The Stochastics Working Group (SWG) will bring together a rich blend of leading engineering practitioners, software vendors, and academic researchers from around the world.

If you would like to express an interest in becoming a member the SWG, please complete this form.

Membership Benefits

  • Accelerate the adoption and further the development of stochastics through customer driven applications,
  • Received unique insight and hands on experience in the application of stochastics in your working environment,
  • Collaborate and pioneer new trends in stochastics,
  • Early adoption of new technologies and access to new research.

Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference for the SWG can be viewed below.

Stochastics Working Group Overview

An outline of the group's remit and activities can be downloaded below.


Alexander Karl