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SDM Publications

A key activity of all of NAFEMS working groups is to produce best practice and guidance documents. To date, a number of publications have been produced which will benefit novices and experts alike. Below is a list of NAFEMS current Simulation Data Management publications.

NAFEMS SDM Bibliography

This bibliography, available only to NAFEMS members, was prepared to enable NAFEMS members to quickly search for papers and publications on the subject of Simulation Data Management and access the NAFEMS Body of Knowledge on SDM. It includes papers and publications on SDM, SPDM, SLM, SPM, SD&PM.

NAFEMS SDM Publications



Spreadsheet Management Survey Report (2022)

Bartholomew. P

How to Get Started with Simulation Process and Data Management (2020)

Norris. M

What is Simulation Data Management (2014)

Simulation Data Management Working Group

Simulation Data Management Survey Report (2012)

Cigel. R, Bartholomew. P, Meintjes. K, Shankar. S, Tolle. D, Walsh. J

Business Value from Simulation Data Management - a Decade of Production Experience (2010)

Norris. M

S​tate of the Art Review in CAE Data Management (2007)

G​rau. M

P​roduct Data Management and the Engineering Analysis Environment (2001)

V​aughan. C