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Additive Manufacturing Example Problems

Additive Manufacturing Simulation Example Problems

To enhance the integration of simulation techniques in metallic additive manufacturing, the NAFEMS Metallic Additive Manufacturing Focus Team is introducing a series of example problems. These problems are designed to assess the capabilities of both engineers and their software in modeling the complexities involved in the additive manufacturing process.

Participants are invited to solve the proposed problems using the resources provided and are encouraged to share their experience and engage in discussion in the community forum.

T​o join the Discussion in the Community Forum you will have to join the Manufacturing Process Simulation Community.

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B​uckling of Thin Walled Components

This example problem highlights the buckling susceptibility of thin-walled structures due to the AM process. Solution techniques include sequentially coupled thermal-mechanical simulation, the inherent strain method, or a calibrated analytical thermal model integrated with structural finite element analysis. The ultimate goal is to qualitatively predict and understand the buckling behavior in thin-walled structures during the additive manufacturing process.