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Review of Composites Simulation Tools

Review of Composites Simulation Tools

In this review, a selection of the composites simulation tools is presented. A short description for each of the composites solutions is provided including a highlight of the key features. The various tools covered in the review can be accessed from the menu on the left hand side of the page.

Vendors who produce composites simulation software are invited to contact the working group in order to have their simulation tool included in the review.

Software Suites And their capabilities: the colours show the compatibility with the most used FE solvers. Green indicates that a standalone version of the software is available.

The author of this article Stephanie Miot is an Analysis Consultant at Strategic Simulation and Analysis Ltd. SSA are a leading reseller of the Dassault Systemes Simulia range of products, which includes Abaqus as well as being the UK representative for Alphastar. They provide support training and consultancy in a wide range of simulation technologies, across diverse industry sectors. 

Software Suites And their capabilities: the colours show the compatibility with the most used FE solvers. Green indicates that a standalone version of the software is available.