The technical areas of NAFEMS are coordinated by a number of specialist technical working groups, drawn predominantly from the NAFEMS membership. These technical working groups identify areas of interest to the analysis community that require new educational materials to be developed. This process is based on a combination of the results of surveys and the personal knowledge of the committee members.
An important feature of the NAFEMS publications which are subsequently produced, is that each text undergoes a rigorous examination and critique by the experts sitting on the technical working groups which commissioned the work. These technical working groups draw together a potent blend of leading academic researchers, engineering practitioners and software vendors giving a unique insight and perspective into the problem area being scrutinised.
Some of the groups which cover large technical areas have formed focus teams to help develop the detailed guidance required by the simulation community.
The technical working groups are multi-national in their make up and use virtual conferencing facilities to meet.
Access the most recent (May 2023) update on the technical group activities through this link.This update aims to review and summarise the activities of the NAFEMS Technical Working Groups.
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