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Technical Liaison Group

Technical Liaison Group Working Group


The Technical Liaison Group (TLG) is the NAFEMS forum for communication with and liaison between the committee leaderships regarding the delivery of technical information to the NAFEMS community.


Communication: To share relevant information with the leadership teams of NAFEMS committees.

Consultation: To provide a mechanism to offer input and provide feedback on matters related to the delivery of technical information to the NAFEMS community.

Co-ordination: To facilitate the effective co-ordination of activities which involve all, or a significant proportion, of the NAFEMS committees


The following two sub-groups exist and will meet to discuss matters of common interest to the committees that they represent:

TWG-Chairs – comprises the chairs and vice-chairs of all Technical Working Groups, the Technical Working Group Manager and the Technical Officer.

RSC-Chairs – comprises the chairs of all Regional Steering Committees, the Chief Executive and all staff who perform a regional representative role.


The TLG membership comprises the chairs and vice-chairs of all Technical Working Groups and Regional Steering Committees, in addition to the following NAFEMS staff members: the Chief Executive, the Technical Officer, the Technical Working Group manager and all staff who perform a regional representative role. Committee chairs who are unable to attend a particular meeting may nominate another member of their committee to represent them at that meeting.


Meetings of the Technical Liaison Group will be chaired by the NAFEMS Chief Executive or, in his/her absence, by the NAFEMS Technical Officer. A meeting will be held at each NAFEMS World Congress. Additional meetings will be convened on an as needed basis.