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NAFEMS Iberia Events

Events covering Spain & Portugal are being planned to take place regularly. See below for a listing of future and past seminars, workshops and courses.

Upcoming Events


Webinar Series

Encuentro Con un Experto

This webinar series aims to deal with many issues in Finite Element Analysis from the simple but not completely understood concepts to the more complicated analysis decisions that simulation engineers need to make during their daily work. There will be no specific technical order since it is hoped that attendants of different levels learn from each webinar enabling the application of these concepts in their day to day analysis work. The webinars will be informal in style comprising a 20-30 minute presentation that will be delivered in the Spanish or Portuguese language followed by a 20-30 minute Q&A session where every effort will be made for this to be multi-lingual (hence the English translation appearing here).

V​iew the Encuentros Con un Experto Webinars


Past Events