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WISE Subcommittee

Americas WISE Subcommittee

The Women in Simulation Engineering subcommittee (WISE) is a group dedicated to promoting and supporting women in the field of simulation engineering. Our goal is to close the gender gap in simulation engineering by providing opportunities for networking, professional development, and mentorship.

We believe gender diversity in the workplace is essential for innovation and progress, and we are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive community where women can thrive in their careers. We welcome all women interested in simulation engineering to join us and help shape the future of this dynamic and exciting field.

Our group has several concrete goals that we aim to achieve. One of our main focuses is providing career development training and resources. This includes workshops, webinars, and networking events aimed at helping engineers advance their careers and reach their full potential. We also plan to create speaker resources and increase gender parity at industry events and conferences by encouraging more women to participate as speakers and panellists. Additionally, we will work to create mentorship opportunities for women in simulation engineering, pairing experienced professionals with those just starting out in the field. Our ultimate goal is to create a supportive and inclusive community that empowers women to succeed in simulation engineering and drives innovation in the field.

Subcommittee Members

Erin Berry

Chair: Erin Berry - Structural Dynamicist, Collins Aerospace-Raytheon

Catherine Amadeo

Catherine Amodeo - Senior CAE Methods - AI/ML Engineer, Ford Motor Company

Katie Reichl

Katie Reichl - Senior FEA Engineer, Komatsu Mining Corp

Peter Perivolarakis - GE Aerospace, US

Peter Perivolarakis - GE Aerospace, US

Carmen Torres-Sanchez

Carmen Torres-Sanchez - Loughborough University


Nikita Kozhin -Owen Corning

Nikita Khozin - Advanced Engineer R & D, Owens Corning


Divya Thiagarajan

Divya Thiagarajan - Gamma Technologies


Jessica Rosenberg

Jessica S. Rosenberg - Research Engineer, AltaSim Technologies

Rachana Rao MALLYALA

Vice-Chair: Rachana Rao Mallyala - Industry Process Consultant, Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp

Olivia Pinon-Fischer

Olivia Pinon-Fischer - Senior Research Engineer, Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory

Emily Horn

Emily Horn - John Deere

Savitri Ratnam Bhatta - Beta Cae Systems

Leanne Campbell

Leanne Campbell - Boeing Designated Expert – Multi Body Simulation

Jillian Steffek - Oshkosh

Novin Aryafar

Novin Aryafar - Associate Director Structure Engineering - Collins Aerospace


NAFEMS Staff: Kathy Elliott

NAFEMS Staff: Bel Hooley

NAFEMS Staff: Olivia Bugaj


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