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FEA Crack

FEA Crack


FEACrack™ is a Windows®-based finite element analysis package that generates 3D crack meshes.

FEA Crack
FEACrack™ contains a library of structural geometries and crack shapes. Simply select the geometry, crack shape, and enter the relevant dimensions; the 3D crack mesh is created automatically. Building a solid model of the structure is not required as in conventional 3D meshing programs. Creating a 3D crack mesh is significantly more complicated and difficult than meshing an uncracked component, so use FEACrack™ to build 3D crack meshes easily and quickly. For more advanced crack analysis the user-defined geometry can place a 3D crack mesh anywhere in a larger structure. The user provides a definition mesh giving the desired shape of the crack mesh, and FEACrack™ generates the 3D crack mesh within the given volume.

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