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The Big NAFEMS Book Sale 2024

The Big Book Sale 2024

NAFEMS - July 24th 2024


G​rab a bargain and extend your simulation and analysis knowledge. We've slashed prices on several of our best-selling printed publications for a limited time.

A whole host of books are on offer at exclusive prices to both members and non-members, but orders need to be placed no later than midnight on Tuesday August 6th to lock in these exclusive discounts.

Look at the list of available titles below, and if you have a larger bulk-order requirement or special request, please get in touch with

Please note that these discounts only apply to the printed book version of each publication.

Important - Payment must be received before August 6th to honour the discounted rate. Books will only be sent when payment is received, so credit-card is the best purchase option.

S​hipping will be calculated at the checkout. USD and EUR pricing is also available at the checkout, at the same discounted rates.

A Designers' Guide to CFD
NAFEMS Members £25 | Non-Members £120
NAFEMS Members £9 | Non-Members £15

The NAFEMS Benchmark Challenge Volume 1
£20 £90
£9 | £15

The NAFEMS Benchmark Challenge Volume 2
£23 £105
£9 | £15

How To Perform Linear Dynamics Analysis
£30 £120
£15 | £30

Engineering Simulation Quality Management Standard
£20 £90
£9 | £20

International Journal of CFD Case Studies - Volume 12
£23 £68
£9 | £15

How To - Obtain Material Properties for the Structural Analysis of Composites
£18 £75
£9 | £15

How to Get Started with Simulation Process and Data Management
£23 £105
£9 | £20

How to - Model Bolted and Riveted Joints
£25 £120
£9 | £15

Engineering Simulation Quality Management Guidelines
£25 £120
£9 | £15

Crack Propagation Modelling
£25 £120
£15 | £30

Business Value from Simulation Data Management - a Decade of Production Experience
£20 £90
£9 | £20

Finite Element Analysis for Engineers - A Primer
£25 £120
£9 | £20

How to Build and Manage Simulation Engineer Competency
£15 £60
£9 | £20