Is there a shared, aligned goal across your whole organisation when it comes to modelling and simulation?
In a recent webinar, Andy Richardson, a chartered engineer with 30 years’ experience and a fellow of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers(IMechE), looked at this and other questions that leadership and management should be asking when it comes to organisations’ modelling and simulation capability.
Over the decades, new technologies, techniques, and tools have come online and modelling and simulation is not what it used to be. From the pioneering days of the likes of Boeing, Bell, and Rolls Royce –
the days of the NASA space race– in the 1950s and 60s, modelling and simulation’s development has continued apace over the last 70 years.
In recent times change has in fact accelerated with the introduction of new materials and the products they make possible. From carbon fibre and alloy materials to manufacturing methods such as 3d printing, robotics, and automation, nothing is as it was.
With all that in mind, can you confidently say that your organisation has kept up with the changes? If not, why not? and how do you even begin to change that?
The good thing is, it’s not too late to make changes that will put you in the best possible position to keep up with developments in simulation and modelling. Andy not only offers a framework to help you assess where you are as an organisation, he also puts forward the steps you need to take to help you get to where you need to be with your modelling and simulation capability, complete with potential pitfalls to look out for.
It’s ultimately about helping your organisation deliver the high product quality you want and improve your business outcomes as a whole, and Andy helps you get started on that journey..
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