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Kamran Fouladi

Kamran Fouladi


Kamran Fouladi - NAFEMS TutorKamran Fouladi, Ph.D., PE. is currently the president of InfoMec, a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) consulting and training firm. Kamran has over twenty years of experience in mechanical and aerospace engineering.

He is a researcher and practitioner of CFD and he has been teaching CFD and other fluid mechanic courses at Villanova University since 2001 both at undergraduate and graduate level. Kamran is a licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Pennsylvania

Kamran’s career began in aerospace arena working at NASA Langley and United Technologies’ Pratt and Whitney (P&W) prior to establishing InfoMec CFD Consulting in year 2000.  With InfoMec, Kamran has provided engineering and CFD support to projects of national importance (NASA Crew Exploration Vehicle, NASA Orion’s Launch Abort Vehicle, NASA Orbital Space plane, and NASA supersonic transport and business jet aircraft) using in-house, public domain, and commercial CFD software.

He is currently focused on using CFD in the area of thermal management of complex and mission critical facilities.