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SSP 2.0 released: Standardized exchange of composite system models and simulation architectures

SSP 2.0 released: Standardized exchange of composite system models and simulation architectures

The Modelica Association and the SSP Project are proud to announce the release of version 2.0 of the SSP (System Structure and Parameterization) standard.

The System Structure & Parameterization (SSP) standard has established itself as a format for the exchange of composite system simulation models and simulation model architectures. SSP version 2.0, now released by the Modelica Association, is a major milestone for the standard with new features that enable the use of FMI 3.0 and Modelica components, and the exchange of abstract simulation model architectures, improving support for new use cases: advanced co-simulation, virtual Electronic Control Units (vECUs), the next generation of Digital Twins, artificial intelligence, and autonomous driving applications.

Complete Press release: