1.1. “Committee” means NAFEMS Council, Working Group, Steering Committee,
Board, or any other sub-committee approved by NAFEMS Council.
1.2. “Member” means a member of a Committee.
1.3. “Vendor” means an individual or organisation whose business includes selling
Engineering Simulation software.
1.4. “Contractor” means an individual or organisation that has or is seeking a
contract with NAFEMS.
1.5. “Competitor” means an individual or organisation that provides services or
goods in competition to NAFEMS.
1.6. “Assessor” means a person appointed to conduct Professional Reviews as
defined in the NAFEMS Professional Simulation Engineer Regulations.
1.7. “Lead Assessor” means a person responsible for the NAFEMS Professional
Simulation Engineer assessment process as defined in the NAFEMS
Professional Simulation Engineer Regulations.
2.1. Members, when exercising their functions in their capacity as a Member, must
act in the interests of NAFEMS.
2.2. Conflicts of Interest can arise when
2.2.1. a Committee makes a decision; for example, recommending awarding a
contract to a Contractor
2.2.2. a Member has a relationship with a Vendor, a Contractor, or a Competitor
2.2.3. a Member accepts gifts, entertainment, or other favours from a Vendor, a
Contractor, or a Competitor under circumstances where it might be
inferred that such action was intended to influence or possibly would
influence the Member when exercising their functions as a Member.
2.3. Members must declare a non-obvious Conflict of Interest when a Committee
first considers a matter involving such a Conflict of Interest. An obvious
Conflict of Interest only arises from a Member’s already declared employer.
2.4. When a Conflict of Interest arises, a Member with a Conflict of Interest must
either exclude themselves or the Chairman of the Committee decides if that
Conflict of Interest warrants exclusion of that Member.
2.5. If a Chairman of a Committee has a Conflict of Interest and doesn’t exclude
themselves, the committee decides if the Conflict of Interest warrants
exclusion of the Chairman.
2.6. Exclusion means:
2.6.1. be absent from the meeting for the deliberation of that matter (unless
expressly invited to remain in order to provide information)2.6.2. not
participate in any deliberation of that matter
2.6.3. not be counted in the quorum for that part of the meeting
2.6.4. be absent during the vote and have no vote on the matter.
3.1. Conflicts of Interest can arise when a Contractor has a relationship with a
Vendor or with a Member, or a Member’s employer, of the Committee
recommending awarding or overseeing a contract.
3.2. A Contractor seeking a contract with NAFEMS must make the Committee
recommending the award of the contract aware of any Conflict of Interest. A
Contractor declaring a Conflict of Interest does not exclude the Contractor from
being awarded a contract.
3.3. A Contractor that has a contract with NAFEMS must make NAFEMS aware of
any Conflict of Interest that arises during the period of the contract.
4.1. Conflicts of Interest can arise when an Assessor has been involved with an
applicant for Professional Simulation Engineer Certification or Re-Certification
whose application the Assessor has been appointed to review.
4.2. An Assessor must make the Lead Assessor aware of any such Conflict of
Interest. The Lead Assessor will determine if an alternative Assessor needs to
be appointed.
4.3. An Assessor must make the Lead Assessor aware of any Conflict of Interest
that arises during the period of the review.
5.1. NAFEMS Council Members are subject to the Conflict of Interest provisions of
the NAFEMS Articles of Association (paragraphs 60-64) in addition to the
provisions of paragraph 2 (Members of Committees) of this policy.
Council approved Dec 2017 NAFEMS Conflict of Interest Policy
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